Adelyn Cline - A Beauty Machine Manufacturer

How To Use Face Roller?


In today’s quest of achieving flawless and radiant skin, everyone is looking for convenient and effective methods to make their skin flawless. There are various products launched in the market for such purposes. Everyone has knowledge about moisturizers, cleansers and night creams but one such tool that has achieved popularity for good reasons among these is face roller. Face rollers can be traced back to old times where Chinese women used them to achieve glowing skin. From jade stones to rose quartz face rollers have resurfaced as an essential skin care tool.


What is face roller?

Face rollers are small, portable tools that are basically made of jade stone, amethyst or rose quartz. They glide across the face providing massage to face which in result leave the skin supple and glowy. They consist of a head which has a big rolling stone and the tail which has a small rolling stone. Both head and tail cover different areas of the face. Bigger stone is usually used for cheeks, forehead and jaw and smaller stone is used for eye areas.

Benefits of face roller


Promoting Circulation and Collagen

Face rollers increase the circulation of blood in the skin which makes skin brighter and flawless. It also promotes collagen production by its rolling effect.

Detoxification of the Skin

Face rollers promote lymphatic drainage in the skin which produces a detoxification effect for face. The lymphatic drainage leads to a better younger and fresher looking skin.

Better Absorption of the Products

Massaging technique of face rollers helps in seeping the products more effectively throughout the skin. The products like cleansers moisturizers and serums penetrate deeply into the skin and produce better effects.

Anti-Aging Effects

Face rollers help in maintaining tone of muscles and thus enhance skin’s elasticity. They lower the chance of aging by preventing wrinkles.

Inflammation Reduction

Face rollers are helpful in reducing any signs of inflammation of the skin. When face rollers are kept in refrigerator, the cooling effect combined with massaging effect reduces the redness and irritation of the skin.

How to use face roller?


A guide on how to use anything for skin is necessary for desired results. Using face rollers without any knowledge and rolling it in all the directions will gain you nothing. The step by step procedure on how a face roller should be used is given below:

Step 1: Cleansing

Before using face roller, the first step is cleansing the face. So, first of all cleanse your face with good cleanser to remove any makeup or dirt. Skin must be clean before using face roller so that no impurity or bacteria can be pushed back into the skin.

Step 2: Hydration

Apply a moisturizer, serum or face oil to the face. By doing this, skin will be well hydrated and face roller can be glided easily on the skin. Avoid using face roller on dry and dehydrated skin as it can damage the skin barrier and can cause irritation and wrinkles.

Step 3: Rolling in outward and upward motion


Next step is start rolling the face roller in upward and outward direction. Massage for at least 5-10 minutes. Do not roll it into back and forth direction because it will not produce any results. There is a different method for each part of the face. Let’s talk about each part of the face separately to get maximum results.

Start by rolling from direction of eyebrows to head in upward direction. Also, roll from one end of forehead to the other. Repeat this step for 5-6 times over the same area.

For eye areas, use the smaller side of roller. Start rolling from corner of eyes and keep rolling in outward direction. Roll gently because the skin below eyes is delicate. In same way, roll on the upper side of eyes. Repeat this process over 3 times.

Start from the inner sides of the cheek and roll in outer direction towards ear. Repeat the same process on other cheek. Continue the same method on upper lip, lower lip and chin.

Face rollers are very helpful in enhancing the shape of jawline. For jawline, move the roller in same direction as you did with cheeks. Start rolling from chin and move outwards towards ears and upwards towards cheeks.  

For neck, start rolling from downward to upward direction towards jawline.

Recommendations for better results:

  1. Put your face roller in freezer for 2-3 hours for maximum results. Cooling effect will help in reducing inflammation. Additionally, it will produce a soothing and calming effect.
  2. Always apply gentle pressure while using face roller on the skin.
  3. Use face rollers 3-4 times per week for better results.
  4. Use face roller in outward and upward direction to stimulate lymphatic drainage.
  5. Do not use face roller if your skin is irritated because it can worsen the situation.

Maintenance of the face roller


Maintenance of the face roller is equally important. After using, make sure to clean the roller every time.. Clean it with warm water, alcohol or soap. It will get rid of all the accumulated impurities and face roller will be ready to use for next session. Pat it dry and keep it at a dry and clean surface. You can also store it in the freezer but make sure to put it in a separate bag to avoid it catch any scent of garlic or yoghurt. Also handle it with care because in case of falling its crystals can break easily.


Introducing face rollers into your skincare routine is convenient yet effective road to achieve a radiant skin. The key to plumping skin lies in the correct use and consistency. By incorporating it in your routine for 3-4 times per week you will achieve maximum results within no time. So keep in mind the importance of face rollers as you initiate you skincare journey. Treat your skin with face rollers as a brighter and younger looking skin waits for you!

Face roller wholesale

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